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Автор Тема: Планирование яхтенного путешествия. Океанский переход  (Прочитано 3208 раз)

Оффлайн Craus

  • Ветеран
  • *****
  • Карма: +16/-0
    • Просмотр профиля

Чтобы яхтенное путешествие прошло хорошо, его обязательно надо планировать, даже если это обычное прибрежное плавание. Что касается океанских переходов, то здесь планирование играет чрезвычайно важную роль, - океан ошибок не прощает.

При планировании любых путешествий нужно рассмотреть ряд вопросов. Часть из них более важна в недельном прибрежном чартере, другие вопросы прорабатываются более детально в оффшорном или океанском переходе. В общем случае список задач следующий:

здесь планирование играет чрезвычайно важную роль, - океан ошибок не прощает.

При планировании любых путешествий нужно рассмотреть ряд вопросов. Часть из них более важна в недельном прибрежном чартере, другие вопросы прорабатываются более детально в оффшорном или океанском переходе. В общем случае список задач следующий:

1.    Выбрать маршрут перехода с учетом сезона, превалирующих ветров и течений.
2.    Для прохождения маршрута подобрать комплект необходимых карт и лоций.
3.    Подготовить пилотажные планы для портов выхода и назначения.
4.    Учесть возможные опасности на маршруте.
5.    Подготовить информацию о резервных портах-убежищах на маршруте.
6.    Рассчитать даты и время прохождения маршрута с учетом дальности маршрута, предполагаемой скорости яхты, учесть приливы, приливные течения и связанные с ними возможные временные ограничения. Учесть также временные ограничения, связанные с прибытием и отправлением членов экипажа в портах отправления и назначения.
7.    Продумать способы получения информации о погоде и навигационных опасностях во время осуществления перехода, уточнить источники информации и время их выхода в эфир.
8.    Продумать технические аспекты экстренной и рутинной связи с сушей и способы подачи официальных сигналов бедствия.
9.    С учетом опыта и квалификации членов экипажа составить расписание вахт и продумать действия экипажа и распределение ролей в аварийных ситуациях (пожар, человек за бортом, тяжелые погодные условия, покидание яхты на спасательный плот). Перед выходом в море провести брифинг и необходимый тренинг для членов экипажа.
10.    Исходя из дальности перехода продумать вопросы пригодности яхты к осуществлению перехода и снабжения яхты топливом, газом, технической водой, запасными частями, элементами электропитания, навигационными приборами, радиосредствами и средствами подачи сигналов бедствия.
11.    Продумать снабжение яхты продовольствием и питьевой водой.
12.    Подготовить необходимые документы с учетом формальностей при пересечении границ.
13.    Учесть возможные медицинские проблемы у всех членов экипажа.
14.    Учесть психологические аспекты дальнего путешествия, совместимость членов экипажа, загрузку членов экипажа во время длительного путешествия.
15.    Исходя из требований безопасности и навигации по маршруту скомплектовать судовую библиотеку.

В качестве примера океанского путешествия приведем план перехода из Южной Африки в Бразилию.

План перехода

Кейптаун (Южная Африка) – Сальвадор (Бразилия)

Ориентировочные даты:

27 июня – 1 июля – подготовка к переходу, тестовые выходы в море
1 июля – ориентировочный старт перехода, время в пути – 28-30 суток

Яхта: парусный катамаран Leopard 45


-    Обзор перехода
-    Даты и формальности
-    Источники информации по безопасности мореплавания (MSI)и способы связи
-    Карты и лоции
-    Планы марин и якорных стоянок
-    Распределение обязанностей в аварийных ситуациях
-    Расписание вахт
-    Информация по портам назначения
-    Питьевая вода и топливо

Обзор перехода

Общая протяженность маршрута - 3600 морских миль: Кейптаун – Св. Елена 1700 миль, Св. Елена – Сальвадор 1900 миль.

Переход осуществляется в два этапа: Кейптаун – остров Св. Елены, остров Св. Елены – Сальвадор. Разбивка на два участка обусловлена двумя факторами. Первый фактор погодный, обход с востока возможной устойчивой зоны высокого давления в Южной Атлантике, а также уход от возможных циклонов, второй – возможная необходимость ремонта, дозаправка топливом, питьевой водой и продуктами, отдых экипажа.

Парусные маршруты в Южной Атлантике:

Маршрутная карта Южной Атлантики, июль (Jimmy Cornell):

Благодаря устойчивому юго-восточному пассату и отсутствию тропических штормов переход  Кейптаун - Св. Елена может быть осуществлен в любое время года. Однако большинство яхтсменов избегают очень вероятных зимних штормов (июнь-сентябрь) и предпочитают делать переходы летом – с ноября по апрель. В любом случае рекомендуется ждать в Кейптауне благоприятного прогноза погоды, по крайней мере пока не пройдут все существующие на данный момент циклоны. Сильный юго-западный ветер дает хорошее ускорение в начале перехода, однако иногда может достичь и штормовой силы. Шторма в основном возникают южнее 30-35 градуса южной  широты, далее их вероятность снижается, и севернее 25 градуса южной широты начинается действие собственно пассата. В среднем скорость ветра составляет 4-6 баллов южнее 30 градуса южной широты и 3-5 баллов севернее. Бенгельское течение, скоростью от половины до одного узла, является на этом переходе попутным.
Распределение тропических штормов в течение года:


Характерные ветра с июля по сентябрь:

Погода на участке Св. Елена – Сальвадор обычно достаточно комфортная, с устойчивыми восточными или юго-восточными ветрами 3-5 баллов по Бофорту, вероятность усиления ветра до штормового низкая.

Маршрутная карта Южной Атлантики, июль (

Температура воздуха в среднем лежит в пределах 10-22°С на широте 30°S и 20-28°С на экваторе.

Высота волны в обычных условиях составит 2-3 м. На первом участке перехода вероятность увеличения высоты волны более 3.5 м составляет  10%.

Даты и формальности

27 июня – 1 июля – тренировочные выходы,  устранение неисправностей, возможное дооборудование яхты, снабжение перехода.

Начиная с 1 июля – по прогнозу погоды выход на остров Св. Елена.
12 дней (скорость 6 узлов)  – переход Кейптаун – Св. Елена, 1700 миль.
2-3 дня – остановка на Св. Елене, дозаправка, возможный ремонт, снабжение, отдых.
13 дней (скорость 6 узлов) - переход Св. Елена – Сальвадор, 1900 миль.

Гражданам РФ для входа в ЮАР, Бразилию и на Св. Елену предварительные визы не требуются.

Источники информации по безопасности мореплавания (MSI) и способы связи

На первом участке используется метеорологическая область VII (South Africa), на втором участке – области VII (South Africa) и V (Brazil):

Metarea VII (South Africa),  короткие и ультракороткие волны (HF, VHF):

Metarea VII, Navtex Сape Town, B1 символ  - «С»:

Metarea V (Brazil), короткие и ультракороткие волны (HF, VHF):

Navtex в Бразилии не используется.

Для получения прогнозов погоды и навигационных предупреждений будет использоваться спутниковый комплект IridiumGo и программное обеспечение PredictWind.

Карты и лоции

Кейптаун – Св. Елена:

Карты: BA4022, US22.
Лоции: BA2, US121, US123, US160.

Св. Елена – Сальвадор:

Карты: BA4022, US22.
Лоции: BA2, BA5, US123, US124, US160.
Лоция для яхтсменов: «South Atlantic Circuit».

Планы марин и якорных стоянок


УКВ каналы 14 и 16. Амплитуда прилива в сизигию 1.8 м.

Остров Св. Елены, Джеймстаун

УКВ каналы 14 и 16. Амплитуда прилива 1.3 м.

Сальвадор, Марина Байя

УКВ канал 16. Аплитуда прилива 3 м.

Распределение обязанностей в аварийных ситуациях

Капитан _____________________: тушение пожара, борьба с водотечностью, маневрирование при подборе человека за бортом.

Старпом ____________________: подача сигнала бедствия, помощь при тушении пожара, помощь при борьбе с водотечностью.

Матрос 1 ____________________: подготовка аварийного сухого мешка, подготовка аварийного запаса воды.

Матрос 2 ____________________: подготовка спасательного плота.

Матрос 3 ____________________: подготовка спасательного плота.

Расписание вахт

Число членов экипажа больше трех человек, поэтому может быть принята система вахт 3 часа (вахта) – 3 часа (подвахта) – 6 часов (сон).

Питьевая вода и топливо

Объем питьевой воды составляет минимум 2,5 л на человека в день плюс 50% запас. На 25 дней перехода необходимо 94 л на человека, на экипаж из 5 человек – 470 л.

Запас топлива в штатных баках составляет  700 л. За вычетом 20% на болтанку – 560 л.

В океанских переходах время работы автономного дизель-генератора для яхт 40-45 футов по статистике составляет от 2,5 до 4 часов в сутки. При мощности генератора 9 kW расход топлива составит минимум  ориентировочно 0,2 х 9 = 1,8 л/ч, суточный  расход 1,8 x 2,5 = 4,5 л. На переход в 25 суток необходимо минимум  115 л.

При мощности двух двигателей по 45 лс расчетный расход топлива на крейсерских оборотах и ходе под двумя двигателями составит 2,8 х 2 = 5,6 л/ч. Таким образом, запас хода под двумя двигателями на крейсерских оборотах составляет  445 / 5,6 = 80 ч (трое с половиной  суток).

Каждые дополнительные 140 л топлива в канистрах дают дополнительные сутки хода под двумя двигателями.

Катамаран позволяет продвигаться вперед только на одном двигателе со скоростью 5 узлов в штиль и 6 узлов с попутным ветром и волной. Расход топлива на 1800 оборотах в минуту составляет при этом максимум 2 литра в час. Таким образом, запас хода на одном двигателе попеременно составит 445/2/24 = 9 суток. Каждые дополнительные 50 литров в канистрах дают дополнительный суточный запас хода.

Таким образом, при загрузке топливом без дополнительных канистр необходимо пройти под парусами не менее 3 суток на участке до Св. Елены и не менее 4 суток на участке от Св. Елены до Сальвадора, остальную часть маршрута можно пройти под одним двигателем на оборотах не выше 1800 со средней скоростью около 6 узлов.
« Последнее редактирование: 08.10.2018, 19:41:13 от bigbird »

Оффлайн Craus

  • Ветеран
  • *****
  • Карма: +16/-0
    • Просмотр профиля
Информация по портам назначения (

Cape Town (Table Bay)


Tucked into the south western corner of the southern tip of South Africa, Cape Town is an obvious port of call for many yachts rounding the Cape of Good Hope.
Position 33° 53'33"S, 18° 26'11"E (harbour).


See South Africa Formalities, for full details on clearing into and out of South Africa.


All yachts entering the port must listen out on VHF channel 14 and proceed to the small craft basin at the Royal Cape Yacht Club.
Approaching the harbour, yachts should stay east of the buoys, entering close to the east mole and remain that side of the harbour. This applies also when entering the Duncan Dock. The yacht basin and yacht club are located at the SE end of Duncan Dock.
The Royal Cape Yacht Club deals with all yacht movement within Table Bay Harbour, so they must be contacted first on VHF Channel 16 (tel 021 421 1354 or fax 021 421 6028), and not the port authority.
The movement of shipping around the harbour is indicated by lights on the port captain's office, red (Ben Schoeman Dock), green (Duncan Dock) and orange (Victoria Basin). A flashing light signifies a ship is entering port and a steady light that one is leaving.
If a yacht is booked in at the V&A Waterfront Marina, it should stay the breakwater side and ask for permission to enter on VHF channel 14. This marina is nearer the city centre, at the eastern end of the port.


The Royal Cape Town Yacht Club (33° 55'04"S, 18° 26'34"E) is the only place where outward clearance is permitted. If berthed at the V&A marina, yachts must proceed to the RCYC for outward clearance. It is essential to have a form from the yacht club stating that all debts have been paid. Currently, this can only be produced by the RCYC and not the V&A marina.
The RCYC has two berths specifically for yachts undergoing clearance (stay limited to 24 hours maximum), but will make every effort to accommodate more, if necessary. Club staff are reported to be very helpful. It is essential to contact the club in advance.
Whilst the RCYC do now have a credit card machine, be aware that is not always working, in which case payment must be in cash (a long walk to the ATM in town!). Be sure to check out the payment situation prior to departure.


The captain must first report to the marina or yacht club, complete a maritime and health form, (clearance certificate) and then clear with Immigration and Customs.
Note that Immigration requires that you bring your whole crew. Both Customs and Immigration are open 24 hrs/day.
Immigration (Passport Control) is now located on the Ground Floor, Cowrie Place, near EBerth (former TPT Building). Open 24/7.
Take ships papers, passports for all the crew and clearance papers from the last port. And the clearance certificate issued by the RCYC or marina.
Then visit the Harbour Revenue Office at Ben Schoeman Dock, followed by the Customs office by the main Gate.


Currently departure can only be made from the RCYC marina.
When departing, first obtain the clearance certificates for "Port Net", Immigration and Customs, who must be visited in that order. After clearance, one must leave within 48 hours.
If leaving for another South African port, lodge an itinerary with the Port Authority (time of departure, intended destination, and ETA) and clearance obtained from the yacht club or marina you are in.

Last updated March 2015.


Tel:0800 007277
Immigration Office
Ground Floor, Cowrie Place, near EBerth (former TPT Building).
Tel::+27(0)21 211006
Opening hours: 24/7


In Cape Town you currently have the choice between the Royal Cape Yacht Club in the south-eastern part of the commercial harbour or the marina in the "Waterfront", also called V&A, Cape Town's favourite tourist centre on the eastern end of the port.
The Yacht Club caters still for most of the visiting yachts. A professionally managed, large marina with almost all facilities, but 5 minutes away from the city and the V&A by car. It also is squeezed in between the industrial parts of the commercial harbour.
The V&A can also be noisy with the motorway nearby, but is very close to a large number of shops, bars, cinemas, the aquarium and much more. It is necessary to call the bridge control to arrange access into the marina.
The harbour is not very clean and the winds often blow at 40 to 50kn.

Entry Procedures

Small craft are reminded not to impede commercial vessels entering or leaving this busy port. The port signals displayed on the Port Control Building indicate the basin operating and the action taking place. Craft should call "Port Control" as above if intending to cross or enter a channel. Lights are shown from the port control tower and operate at all times as follows: Ben Schoeman Dock - Red Duncan Dock - Green Victoria Basin - Amber Flashing light - Vessel entering Fixed light - Vessel leaving (no entry).

Anchoring and Berthing

Anchoring is forbidden within "any channel of the harbour".
The RCYC visitors' berths are the first two berths inside the first pontoon. It is advisable to phone the marina manager shortly before arriving. Emails do not always get answered.
In the V & A there are alongside and stern-to berths.
Last updated March 2015.

Bridge Control

Tel:+27 (0)21 408 7700 ,VHF Channel 71 'Swing Bridge'. Access into the V&A marina is through a swing bridge and a bascule bridge. Call to request an opening which can only be either a quarter to or a quarter past the hour.

Royal Cape Yacht Club

Small Craft Basin, Duncan Road, Table Bay Harbour, , P.O. Box 772 , Cape Town 8000 , SA
Tel: +27 021 421 1354 & 6. Cell 082 490 7097 Fax:+27 21 421 6028, VHF Channel 71 during regattas, ,

One month's membership for visiting yachts. Walk on moorings, water and electricity on the dock. Strong shore lines needed, the wind can come up very strongly in no time. Facilities include hot showers, toilets, bar, good restaurant, chandler with limited stocks on site, liftout facilities (smaller boats), repairs, and helpful secretarial services. Full security. Email/Internet connection at the bar. Slip (next to chandlery and fuel berth) takes up to 50 tons and the crane up to 15 tons. The marina now has two berth dedicated to yachts clearing in or out with a maximum stay of 24 hours.

V&A Waterfront Marina

С/o The V&A Wterfront Harbour Master, V&A Warerfront, P.O. Box 50001, Waterfront 8001, Cape Town. 
Yacht Office: Ground Floor, Marine Centre, West Quay Road, Cape Town.
Tel:+27 (0)21 408 7832/7833 ,VHF Channel 14 - Swing Bridge 71,
Opening hours: Office 07:00-17:00(Mon-Fri)
Access is through the bascule and swing bridges. 12 visitors' berths, all facilities, laundry, WiFi, fuel. Chandlery, internet cafe, provisions, restaurants and public transport all close by.

Yacht Clubs

Cannons Creek Sail Club
Tel:+27 21 531 5011
Gordands Yacht Club
Beach Road , Gordans Bay , 7140 South Africa
Tel:+27 (0)21 856 3263
Hout Bay Yacht Club
Hout Bay Harbour , Cape Town , South Africa
Tel:+27 21 790 3110 Fax:+27 21 790 2585 ,
Royal Cape Yacht Club
Small Craft Basin, Duncan Road, Table Bay Harbour, , P.O. Box 772 , Cape Town 8000 , SA
Tel:+27 021 421 1354 & 6. Cell 082 490 7097 Fax:+27 21 421 6028 ,VHF Channel 71 during regattas, ,


Jamestown is the capital of the island and its only port, located on the NW coast. Sandwiched between steep cliffs (that form James Valley) the town is rather long, thin and densely populated, with tightly knit, long and winding streets and some interesting historic buildings. The surrounding  terrain is rough and steep.

A popular tourist attraction here is Jacob's Ladder, a staircase of 699 steps, built in 1829 to connect Jamestown to the former fort on Ladder Hill. The ladder is lit at night and a timed run takes place there every year, with people coming from all over the world to take part.)

Port Control operate on VHF Ch 14. They are responsible for allocation of mooring buoys. The mooring field is located close to the steep cliff on the western side of the harbour and the swells can be substantial both from the cliff and from the sea. Care should be taken to approach the field from the West and not through the local boats due to a large number of substantial mooring lines and painters for the local fishing boats.


There are 23 moorings currently in place and they are situated on the western side of James’ Bay (15° 55'.4S, 05° 43'.5W) and are designed to accommodate yachts of up to 60ft LOA. There are two types of moorings: the 18 yellow buoys cater for vessels up to 20 tons and up to 50ft;  the 5 red buoys for vessels of up to 50 tons and up to 60ft (read full spec. here). Larger yachts may also be accommodated by arrangement of the Harbour Master.
The buoys are flat and round (like a large Swiss cheese) and are of a foamed material that will not scratch or mark your yacht. They are however very difficult to pick up as they currently have no painter. Cruisers report that the best way is to go stern-to and pass a line through the fixed eye of the buoy and then work it to the bow. This also works well in the heavy swells. You cannot lift the buoys on board.
In the case of difficulty at night, call St Helena Radio on VHF channel 16.
The moorings are allocated on a first come/first served basis and cannot be pre-booked.
There is no time limit for staying on the buoys. See Fees for a breakdown of costs.
You can find the allocation and use policy for the new moorings and other advice here: St Helena Information for Yachts.
Caution: As previously described, the swell here is substantial therefore great care must be taken to ensure your mooring lines are secure. Regular checks are recommended as boats have reported coming loose here.
Do not run your watermaker if tied to the moorings at West Rocks as this is exactly at the position of the Jamestown and Half Tree Hollow effluent outlet.


It is still possible to anchor in James Bay when the moorings are full, or if you prefer, however holding is very poor.
The normal anchorage is off Munden’s Point east of the local small boats in 17-21 metres (GPS 15.55.975 S, 5.43.174 W). Do not anchor too far east as there is a telephone cable on the seabed – notice and indications to this effect are painted on the rock overlooking the anchorage.
Yachts are advised that, due to the depth of the harbour, it is recommended that the amount of chain or cable required for safe anchoring should be at least 3 times the depth of water. If you have to anchor, be sure your anchor is well set before going ashore and check the position of your vessel on a regular basis. Many a vessel has had to be collected on the horizon after it had dragged anchor.
The entire area in the anchorage with a depth less than 16m is occupied by the local fishing and lighter fleet that are moored with floating lines that interconnect the boats and various buoys. Any vessel that draws more than several cm or that cannot safely pass over floating lines needs to stay well outside the area. If you arrive during daylight, the ferry will normally come out to help direct you to the shallower spots with good holding off the landing steps.
Getting Ashore

For getting ashore, dinghies can be used but swell conditions on the wharf can be challenging and visitors are advised to make use of the regular ferry service. Call "ferry service" on Ch. 16 between 07:00 and 18:45hrs. Have plenty of fenders ready on the side towards the quay.
The ferry runs every hour and costs £1.50 or £2/person each way. The higher rate is for trips later than 19:00hrs. The fee is is payable to the coxswain.
Whilst the ferry does run to an approximate schedule, the weather and swell can often cause the service to be suspended. Be sure to ask about the last ferry back on your trip in.
The Port Captain, is very helpful and a mine of local information. He is the best person to ask for local advice on repairs.

Shore Facilities for Yachts

Next to the blue yacht club building, on the quayside, are free solar showers, toilets and a double sink for laundry. The code for this facility is available from the Harbour Master or Deputy Harbour Master.
Shower facilities and WiFi are also available at the Consulate Hotel - Tel: 22962.
If you must, take your rubbish ashore in sturdy bags (double bagged) and dispose of it inside the bins near the ferry landing.
There is a free water tap by the steps at the landing point.
It is possible to get a lift out here. See boatyards.
Last updated June 2016.

St Helena Yacht Club

The Yacht Club on the island does not open on a daily basis. Unfortunately it does not have the resources yet to operate as a fully serviceable yacht club (

Salvador de Bahia

Salvador de Bahia is situated in a large bay (Baia de Todos os Santos) which offers a multitude of marinas and anchorages.
Cruisers are warned not to visit secluded anchorages in the Bahia de Todos os Santos. There is a notice to this effect (June 2012) posted at the Aratu Yacht Club to advise their members - who are Brazilian.
It is also strongly recommended that, unless taking up a berth in one of the marinas, vessels should avoid anchoring in the Port area where several armed boardings and robberies have taken place.
That said, an armed boarding, assault and robbery occurred at Itaparica Island in April 2014 (see report adjacent), so great care should be taken when anchoring in this area.
The historic centre of the town, which is within walking distance of the marinas, is worth visiting for its remarkable and well restored colonial buildings. Be very aware of street crime here and use common sense (no flashy jewelry etc.).
Generally speaking, Salvador is not cheap.
Position 12°58.48'S, 38°31.23'W (Bahia marina entrance).
Read Brazil Formalities for full details on clearing into and out of Brazil.
All administration (Immigration, Customs, Navy) are less than 3 km away from Marina Bahia.

Clearing In

To clear in, you need to go to these different offices in this order as the next step requires documents from the previous:
1 - Immigration, Policia Federal, on Ave. de Franca, inside a non-descriptive port authority building. Ask to be directed to the right place. The building faces the Brazilian Navy Marines barracks. 2 to 3 Km from the Marina. Both skipper and crew have to check in.
2 - Customs, Receita Federal, in the commercial port, on Ave. de Franca, a bit further up from the Terminal, it is written on the building you cannot miss it. Portuguese only was spoken. Everything is done on a computer under the guidance from officials there (the computer service is available in English). Only skipper has to check the boat in. The boat will be temporarily imported on the basis of the skipper's lenght of stay as stamped in the passport. If the policia federal from step 1 gives you 90 days then the boat will also get 90 days.
3 - Capitania do Portos, Marina Do Brazil, in the big white building. You will have to clear at the gate, dress nice, and make sure you do not wear a ball cap or a hat  inside the military area (from a cruiser's experience). No English spoken there but people are quite helpful.
The Policia Federal office hours are 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 (Mon-Fri). 09:00-12:00 (Sat).
Checking in with the Policia Federal is mandatory here.
Be sure to wear long trousers or you might be refused service.
The staff at both marinas are most helpful and will advise about formalities, as will Marcelo Brocchini of MB yacht services.
Note: If you are unable to stay in a marina here, a safer option for clearance is to anchor at the NW tip of Itaparica, across the Bay from Salvador. There appears to be no enforcement by the authorities for the requirement to check-in immediately on arriving in Salvador. Once established at Itaparica it is an easy ferry trip across to Salvador to complete entry formalities.

Clearing Out

If leaving Brazil, visit all the offices in reverse order. If leaving Salvador for somewhere else in Brazil only a visit to the Capitania do Portos is required.
Last updated February 2018.
The approach is straight forward and deep, but with surprisingly strong currents in the middle of the bay and also at the northern end. The night approaches are well marked to all the marinas. Beware of wrecks off the cape on the eastern side of the entrance to the bay.

TN at Forte de Sao Marcello, is a good choice if you wish to be close to the city but do be aware that theft of loose items on deck can be a problen here.
Alternatively, Bahia Marina (1 nm to the east of TTNB/TN) is best if you want to leave the boat for a while, however visitor space here is limited.
A quieter spot would be NW of Itaperica, either anchorage or marina. Note however that a boat was boarded here and the crew assaulted and robbed, in April 2014 (see report adjacent). The anchorage close to the Fort offers good protection and the holding is good in mud, however there is only a very dodgy beach at which to leave the dinghy and the moorings appear to be run by the guy that does the laundry and odd jobs in the marina.
There are several marinas in this bay, Baia de Itapajipe, Riberia, north of the city (see comment below on Angra dos Veleiros marina).
At Aratu, a small bay about 10 miles north of the city, a new marina is being built. Accessed by a well buoyed and deep channel. It will have haulout facilities. There is also a yacht club here which welcomes visitors and is a good place to leave your boat if travelling inland with easy airport connections. They advise against anchoring here.
It is also recommended not to anchor off the marinas in the port area of Salvador where a number of boardings and armed robberies have taken place.

Leaving your boat in Salvador

There are only three marinas here licensed to keep foreign boats when the owner is not in Brazil. These are Terminal Nautico, Pier Marina and Aratu Iate Clube.
If leaving your boat on its own, you will have to complete a form with the marina and have it verified with the Capitania dos Portos. You will then have to visit the Receite (Customs) to get an extension to the existing 90 day permit for as long as you want (within a two year period). On returning to Brazil you will be given a 90 day stay for you and the boat from your date of entry. It is likely the marina will also want you to employ a local person to take care of the boat in your absence.
Last updated February 2018.
There are a number of yacht clubs in and around Salvador, and repair facilities at some of them are very good as they cater for a large local boating community.

« Последнее редактирование: 08.10.2018, 19:40:52 от bigbird »


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